Sunday, November 22, 2009


Ugh. Yeah, this time of the year again. It's just SO MUCH FUN to sit around a table while a dead animal is ripped apart by your family members as they talk about how grateful they are.

However, I've had far too many pessimistic holidays and I wish I'd realized earlier that the holidays, especially Thanksgiving, are such an awesome time to show people that they can forego the 'tradition' and chow down on some animal-free items that taste just as good, if not better, than the 'real' thing. Hopefully you're having Thanksgiving at your house so you can make food, but you can also make stuff ahead of time and bring it, right?

More than 46 million Turkeys are slaughtered just for Thanksgiving every year. And every Tofurkey you buy means one life saved. I mean what a bargain, right? Plus, if you cook those things right, they are DELISH! Oh, and there are 34 g of protein in each Tofurkey serving, so when your grandma tells you she's concerned about your protein intake tell her to SUCK IT! Actually, probably don't do that.

Also, I picked up one of these babies at Whole Foods the other day for just $10. I can't personally reccomend it yet, but based on the taste of this company's sausages, I'm sure it's not going to disappoint: Field Roast's Celebration Roast.

So what about the side dishes? PUH-LEASE! Just Google 'vegan thanksgiving' and you get 4,190,000 results. And that's just with the safesearch on!

It ain't no holiday without the mashed potatoes. Here's some recipes:
AND REMEMBER: Earth Balance saves lives. Both figuratively and literally. Any other vegan margarines are inferior! Hands down, this stuff tastes better than that gross butter from cow tits and while I can't make any health claims (well, it's cholesterol-free!), you can lather anything up with his stuff knowing you're not contributing to animal cruelty. Veganism would be 1000000x harder without this stuff.

Here are some more side dish ideas, from

Also, risotto is awesome to make for Thanksgiving. There are only like a billion recipes for this stuff out there, and it's easily veganized with vegetable broth, Earth Balance, and stuff like that. Plus, it's super fun to stand by the stove and stir this shit for hours at a time.

WAIT! What the hell are you going to drink this whole time? Eggnog, of course. Except without the chicken periods. Silk Nog. End of story. Unless you like apple cider, which is excellent as well, but I'm assuming you already knew that.

Now, for dessert! New Leaf Markets are selling vegan pumpkin pies & pumpkin chocolate swirl pies for Thanksgiving. And let me tell you, your family will NOT know the difference if you serve them up a big slice topped with some dairy-free whipped cream. Also, Whole Foods has a ton of vegan fruit pies, including apple, cherry, and peach. You could crank out some of my new favorite things in the world, too: Mexican Hot Chocolate Snickerdoodles.

And, if you don't like any of these suggestions, which is totally possible, check out this Thanksgiving feast from Robin Robertson, who has like 77 vegan cookbooks out there. This woman knows how to cook.

If you're on the fence about whether or not you want to eat a dead bird this Thanksgiving, check out this footage of a real turkey farm:

And consider adopting a turkey at Farm Sanctuary. They provide care for rescued turkeys (and other animals) like these baby turkeys. SO CUTE!

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